School Outfit :

Pre KG:

There is no specific uniform for the toddlers. But they are expected to dress in the following dress code on all days.

Kinder Garten

Boys : Sandal coloured shorts, Brown and red checked shirt

Girls : Sandal coloured top, Brown and red checked pinafore

Socks : Sandal with brown & red stripes

Shoes : Black shoes with welcro

Standard I to V

Boys : Brown and red checked shirt, sandal coloured shorts.

Girls : Sandal coloured shirt, Brown and red checked skirt with sandal coloured inner pleats.

Socks : Sandal with brown and red stripes.

Shoes : Boys – Black shoes (laced)

Girls – Black shoes (buckled)

Standards VI and above

Boys : Brown and red checked shirt, Sandal coloured full


Girls : Sandal coloured shirt, brown and red checked

pinafore with sandal coloured inner pleats.

Socks : Sandal with brown and red stripes.

Shoes : Boys – Black shoes (laced)

Girls : Black shoes (buckled)

Sports Outfit :

To be worn on all Wednesdays

For Class L.K.G. to V:

Boys: White Tee Shirt with coloured collar and coloured tracks, White Canvas shoes and socks.

Girls: White Tee Shirt with coloured collar and coloured tracks, White Canvas shoes and socks.

For Class VI to X :

Boys and Girls : House coloured T-shirt with Navy Blue tracks. White canvas shoes with white socks.